
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Importance of Book of Romans to the History of the Church Essay

The Book of Romans is the one of the Letters in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.The Writing is   simply reffered as the Romans and is currently one of the undisputed work of Paul.The book has been described as a masterpiece which overwhelms the reader by the sublimity and the density of the topic which are discussed,the justification of the gospel and the revealing of the uprightness and the grace of God to all the people ,both Jews and the Gentiles. The book is a letter which is written in a Greek first century traditional letter writing style. During this time the writers started by identifying themselves and then names of the person they were sending the letter and then followed by the greetings. The letters usually closed with the final greeting and blessings. The book of Romans followed the same style (Barth, K 1968) There existed a group of believers in Rome who trusted in Jesus as Messiah long before Paul had planned to visit this town. There was a conflict between the Christian Jews and the new group up to the point that the Roman Emperor expelled them from Rome. More often there was a disagreement between the Jews and the gentiles concerning what made one an acceptable person to God and the way the followers of the Christ should conduct their lives. Having noticed the differences that characterized the church in Rome Paul decided to shed some light as far as the differences were concerned. There were people who were going from door to door teaching doctrines which were confusing and misleading to the faithful. There are some who were saying that for one to be accepted in the kingdom of God one has to refrain from eating particular kind of food and had to strictly follow the Law of Moses. These are issues that the book of Romans aimed at addressing so that this confusion that existed in the church can be cleared. Therefore to the church in Rome the book was basically a tool of reference as far as what was expected of them was concerned. One of the reasons for Paul writing this book was to answer some of the question that emerged between the two groups. He boldly put it out in the book that the word of God was for all whether Gentiles or Jews. (Moo, D1996) The book of Roman is basically a treatise which is addressed to the church in Rome where Paul was introducing himself before he made his visit. Justification of the faith was the central theme for his letter. He was delivering the message that it is only through salvation that a man can have a good relationship with God. Anything else did not matter. What was expected from every Christian whether Jews or Gentiles was the faith in God and through this salvation will be achieved. He explained that the Mosaic Law was not enough to make the Christian righteous. This works serves as an eye opener to the early church as some of the issues that were controversial at this time were clearly explained by Paul. The differences that threatened to tear apart the church were tackled in this writing. To the Jewish Christians Paul explained that God had not completely broken his promise with them but he was working towards redemption of all the people in the universe.   For a long time Paul was planning to visit Rome but he was hindered from making such a move. Now he was determined to do it, he wanted to greet them and introduce himself before he made that journey. This visit was very important to him and the church in Rome as both were anxious. Paul was not sure how he was going to be received in this city and the some people there had criticized him before as they did not think he can be the leader of the church which was led by the Gentiles. The book of Romans serves as the assurance to the church in Rome that they are accepted in the kingdom of God like any other group despite them being Gentiles. Therefore Paul was mainly writing this book to assure this group that they also had a right and a share in the kingdom of God. He assures them that Jesus died for all regardless of their status. The most important thing for any Christian was repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ and leading a holy life. (Moo, D1996) Paul believed that the culture of Romans was very important as far as the church was concerned. It was the most powerful empire in the world and was located in the middle of the world at the time of Paul evangelism. This fact made the Church of Rome very important to the world at large. He understood the great effect this church would have on the rest of the world especially the so called civilized world of that time. He clearly saw the need of systematic and full presentation of the good news in this city. The people in Rome were looking forward to Paul visit in Rome as it would serve a great role as far as their church was concerned. This visit was taken as a formal recognition that a church that was led by the Gentiles. They had for a long time wondered how he can be an apostle of the church yet he fail to visit their church in Rome. This gave the church leaders an opportunity to gauge and judge his courage and honesty as far as the church was concerned. The book of Romans clearly explains the doctrines of the Christian faith. Paul in this book defended the gospel from those people who were claiming that salvation was for a chosen group. The church in Rome was to serve as a pillar where the Christianity would be spread to other regions in the world. The book clearly assures that the Roman church was as legitimate as the other despite the fact that it was led by gentiles. This served as a boost to this church as Paul was taken as the messenger of God and he was presenting the God word to the people who had chosen to follow Christ yet the society was not keen to respect them. Paul addresses them as his brethrens a clear indication that he had accepted them as one of them and they were on the right track as far as faith was concerned. (Moo, D 2002) The book of Romans had a great impact on the early church and the western civilization at large.Scholars has argued that the book is the most influential in Christian history. It is in this book that Paul gives a detailed exposition of the word of God. It is the most fundamental and systematic discussion as far as the whole plan of salvation is concerned. To the Romans the book touched on what they were supposed to do so that they can be saved. This applies to all the Christians and was largely quoted by the protestant reformers as they assured the faithful that the kingdom of god was reserved for all those who had faith in Him and they did not need the blessing of any man on earth for them to be allowed access into this Kingdom. The book was universal in application despite the fact that it was directed to the Church in Rome. (Moo, D1996) The book of Romans had greatly influenced many people in the history of the church. The prominent theologians like Martin Luther had studied the book making them aware of what God expected from them. Martin Luther found the teaching of salvation by the grace clear and he used it to spearhead the reforms in the church where he assured the faithful that it was through faith and grace alone that they were to be saved not from paying indulgences and other kind of injustices that existed in the church during the middle ages. (Dillenberger, J 1961) The protestant reformation was basically a recovery of the right and pure gospel which resulted in the increased gospel spread to the different parts of the world. It was a revival of the Apostle’s Paul work where he made a journey to various parts of the world taking the good news. Through studying the book of Romans Martin Luther’s life was completely changed and so is the history of the church. The protestant reformation was as a result of this great theologian reading the book as the teaching was made available to the public. Lives were changed as the message of hope and righteousness was spread far and wide. The book clearly states that there is no Christianity without Jesus, he who comes to know him shall be saved. Martin preached the same message that Paul wrote to the people of Rome and the early church. Martin Luther described the book of Romans as the purest gospel which is worth and every Christian should understand it clearly. He advises the believers not to take the word law in human terms as through doing this they will be confused as the people in the early church and they will be serving the church rather than living according to the will of God. He teaches them that God judges his people according to the heart. His law can not be satisfied by the works but rather on the inner most heart. He got these ideas from reading the work of Paul to the Romans. A book that he describes as full of inspiration to him and his search for the truth .Paul says that all people are sinners in the eyes of God and for us to be saved we have to seek the kingdom of God through following his teachings rather than following the law or the traditions as was the custom with the Christian Jews. If believers accustom themselves to the language described by Paul in the book of Romans Martin Luther says that they will find that there exists a difference between what the traditions of the church prescribe and what God really expects. (Dillenberger, J 1961) Through the inspiration he received from the book of Romans Luther was able to challenge the church. The evils that characterized the church at this time has made him very disturbed and he set out on a mission to discover what can bring him close to God. The message he got was derived from the book of Romans where he realized that it was only through the grace of God that all will be brought close to God. The church was extremely corrupt where things that were going on were contrary to God’s expectation. Through the inspiration he was able to revolutionize the church and brought the light just as Paul shed the light to the people of Rome concerning what God expected from them. Martin Luther described Romans as the main book in the New Testament .His wish is for every Christian to use the book as a guide in our daily lives. As the systems are bound to confuse them as far as their faith is concerned just like it happened during his time when the Roman Catholic Church used the teachings to justify some of the evil things that were happening. The letter of Paul to the Romans would serve as the guide to the church and the believers if they are interested in the righteousness. Luther says that people should be ready to confess Jesus with their mouth and in such a deed they will lead a righteous life as they will always aspire to do what God expects from them. Good deeds alone do not make a man righteous rather he should have faith in God. The book of Romans has been described as the one that changed the course of the church history right from the early church to the protestant reformation. Therefore it is in order to say that this book contains message which are inspirational and can bring a complete change in ones life. It changed the life of the Augustine together with John Wesley people who had led a life that was not pleasant before the eyes of God. They had struggled with the evils ways up to a point when the word was revealed to them changing their lives completely. John Wesley had set out to preach without being converted, after some years of struggling and failing he heard the teaching of Martin Luther describing the book of Romans. Listening to the true words of Luther the man was inspired and he was converted. He went to preach in many corners and has been described in the history of the church to have played a great role in the evangelical work of awakening the believers. (Moo, D 2002) The kind of life that God expects from every person is what has touched many people in the course of the church history. From martin Luther to John Wesley there was realization that God expects us to be righteous before his eyes as Paul maintained in the book. On the same line God’s wrath does not discriminate, it is expressed impartially to all the sinners neither does He discriminate between the Christian Jews and the gentiles. Before Paul sent the letter to the church in Rome the Jews prided to be the privileged people in the eyes of God but this notion was clearly explained by the book that set out to put the facts straight. On the same line the book of Romans came to be used in the protestant Reformation showing clearly that no one was too holy before the eyes of God to help in pardoning of the sins. Only God had the power to forgive the sins. The book as described by Luther addressed the issue clearly stating that no amount of payment towards indulgences was enough to forgive ones sins. (Moo, D1996) The book of Romans influence to the church has been enormous right from the time Paul wrote the letter to clear the differences that existed in the Church of Rome. It is as a result of that explanation that the Gentiles faith was strengthened after understanding what God stood for as far as righteousness was concerned. The book deals with the issues of sin, progressive sanctification, practical service and the gracious salvation issues that could have divided the church in Rome as Christian Jews and the Gentiles had different views regarding these issues. The book addresses God great plan for saving mankind by his grace. It clearly states that it is only through the grace of God that all those who believe in Him shall acquire this salvation. The book has been described as the comprehensive statement of faith and Christianity as a whole. It has been used by many believers to show what is expected of us and the church in general. The basis of the Christian faith is based on this book and this explains why the book has in many cases changed the course of the church history especially when some people are out to mislead the believers in the matter of faith. Martin Luther used the book to show how the church had turned to be evil and led a revolution that came to bring openness in the church allowing people to read the word for themselves. (Hodge, C 1994) The book of Romans importance to the Christian faith can not be underestimated; it has been relied on several occasions to shed light where misunderstandings have existed. The book has shaped the church making more responsive to the needs of a believer, trying as much as possible to reconcile the two issues of law and righteousness. The strong foundation of the Christian faith is found in this letter of Saint Paul to the people of Rome. Reference Dillenberger, J (1961) Martin Luther: Selections from His Writings, New York, Doubleday and CO Moo, D(1996)The Epistle to the Romans. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company Moo, D (2002) Encountering the Book of Romans: A Theological Exposition, Michigan, Baker Academic Barth, K (1968) The Epistle to the Romans. Oxford University Press, 1968. Hodge, C(1994) Commentary on Epistle to the Romans. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Should companies treat their employees with respect and treat each one of them with dignity?

All companies should treat their employees with respect and treat each one of them with dignity. Every employee is an asset of a company and without them no company can function properly. Every person in this world has their rights that should be respected and not trampled upon. Employees are human beings with feelings and this should be instilled in the minds of all company owners or their managers or agents. No one is given the right to discriminate against people who are born with disabilities or who for some reason, has gone through a difficult experience in their lives which resulted to any physical deformity.People who, for some reason, have any special characteristic should not be discriminated against. When a person applies for a job, the potential employer should look beyond the physical appearance of any person with disability. He should instead look objectively and analyze whether that person has the skill or capability to perform the required task. The potential employer should thoroughly evaluate the employee to see whether or not, despite his apparent weakness, he is still able to deliver or perform the job just like any normal person.Once the person with disability gets hired, he should be treated fairly by the employer. The employer should provide for some facilities to accommodate the employee. An example of which is when the employee is handicapped, the employer should provide a passage for the employee like a ramp or elevator for easy access to the employee. The employer should also provide for a comfort room which is to be used by handicapped people which should be larger than the normal cubicle to enable them to move freely with their wheelchair.The employer may also provide a work friendly environment to handicapped employees by providing them with a special chair or a comfortable work area where the employee can move around without his freedom being restricted. Employees who suffer from a drug abuse problem may still find a job that would enable them to overcome their drug dependence. If the employee is otherwise qualified by the job, the employer may overlook this drug addiction, and instead find ways to help the latter move on from such weakness.The employer may provide for an environment that would foster camaraderie, training, workshops, seminars and the like to distract the employee’s attention from drug dependence and to shift his focus. This would serve as a distraction for the employee who would soon get healed from his dependency. The simulation may demonstrate this scenario by creating a situation which involves an employer hiring an employee who is handicapped. Both parties may work out a case wherein the employee would try to internalize his role and look at the possible office situations which would help them improve their relationship and to better his work performance.The factors of personality, attitude toward work, and future upward mobility may play a big or little role in a potential workin g environment depending on the kind of workplace or job the employee is applying for. Personality is very important when the job description calls for the characteristic of being sociable as in a marketing job. But, personality may be of little importance to a person employed in a work place where there is no face to face interaction with a client or customer. An employee is the representative of the company, whether such employee is an officer, manager or staff.It would be advantageous for any company to have employees who are outgoing and sociable, however this would only apply for those jobs whose employees are required to be on the frontline. Thus, as to this factor of personality, it would really depend on what the company is for it to be considered as an important criterion for hiring. As to the attitude toward work, I am of the opinion that this is important and should be considered when hiring an employee. The attitude of a person towards his work would reflect a great deal about his personality.The person should show that he loves his work and would take it seriously, otherwise, the company might be in the losing end and suffer in the long run. The employer should weigh the scenario, for example, when there are two applicants for a job, one without any disability but his attitude towards his work is such that he merely views it as a means to an end and another who has some disabilities but whose attitude towards work is such that he views it with enthusiasm, with zeal and with passion, then the employer should hire the second applicant.A person who shows a positive attitude towards his work would help fuel the company to success and great heights. The factor of future upward mobility would have to be qualifies. For example, a work which would require physical strength such as construction, carrying of heavy baggage, running around or other strenuous physical activities, would necessarily require an employee who would be able to perform the job, thus s hould be mobile. However, a work which requires analysis or computer work and is which would not entail any physical mobility would not need an employee who is equipped with upward mobility.An employee should be hired based on his skills and qualifications and not based on his personal appearance. The simulation would be able to demonstrate the importance of those factors by creating an environment that would consider the job description and co-relate these with the applicants. Each scenario should be viewed differently by considering the different needs of each job and determine the applicable skill required for a potential employee. The employer should be able to decide whether or not a certain factor is needed for the delivery of the desired result.Title VII can override the employment contract between an employer and employee. It is the rule that contracts between parties should not be contrary to any existing law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides in essence th at no person should be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. In general, there should be equal work opportunity for every person regardless of any disability or otherwise. A person who has some disability should be hired if he is qualified for the job.Further, once he is hired he should receive the same amount of pay and benefits as any normal employee since the employer should look beyond the disability and give equal work opportunities to both of them. There should be no diminution of salary or benefits for the reason that the employee has some disability. An employee should not compromise his rights for the reason that he is in desperate need of a job and the employer should not use his bargaining power as a person who is in authority of giving the job.An agreement which provides for benefits, wages or others that are below the minimum wage or contrary to any law is null and void and is of no force and effect. The law is above any w ritten contract since the former must always be in consonance with the latter. The simulation would demonstrate this by portraying a situation which depicts an environment where the employer and the employee would agree on terms that are for the advantage and benefit of both but is not contrary to law.

Apple’s “1984”: Greatest Commercial Ever Made Essay

â€Å"1984† is an American television commercial which introduced the Apple Macintosh personal computer for the first time. The commercial served as a significant milestone in the history of adverting and had a massive effect on the popularity of Apple. The ad consistently been lauded as a classic, winning critical acclaim over time. It is now considered a watershed event and a masterpiece in advertising, and is widely regarded as one of the most memorable and successful American television commercials of all time. It aired only once on daytime television, on 22 January 1984 in the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII. The ad was not only rated as the best advertisement ever in 2007, it was also rated as the ‘Best Super Bowl spot in the 40 years history’. The turning point event was not the only computer advertisement that aired in these years, but it was â€Å"the only one that changed people’s lives†. The ad started the phenomenon known as â€Å"event marketing,† in which a high-visibility commercial garners a lot of extra free publicity. â€Å"1984† also inaugurated the trend of showcasing commercials on the Super Bowl. And, most importantly for Apple, the ad brought consumers into the stores. The commercial opens with a droning voice resonating through a science-fiction dystrophic setting, which is held in dark, blue and gray tones. Then you see emotionless, bald and almost robotic people marching in unanimity through a long tunnel with telescreens on the wall. Then out of nowhere, a young woman appears, dressed like an athlete, in a color-full sports outfit that forms a strong contrast to the dull gray environment surrounding her. She carries a sledgehammer and is being chased by uniformed guards and then she runs up to the screen, hurls a hammer with a heroic grunt, and shatters the TV image of the said dictator named â€Å"Big Brother†. As the screen explodes, bathing the stunned audience in the light of freedom, a voice-over announces, â€Å"On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce the Macintosh. And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like â€Å"1984.† The ad was an allusion to George Orwell’s noted novel, â€Å"Nineteen Eighty-Four†, which described a dystopian future ruled by a televised â€Å"Big Brother†. After the ad was released in 1984, Apple became a household name in the United States. Apple’s 1984 commercial’s aim was to brand their product, Macintosh with an ideology of empowerment and individuality; contrary to the 1970s perception that personal computers were tools invented for utilitarian purposes and designed to facilitate specific tasks. During those times, the trend was common and utilitarian, so with Macintosh deviating its image against the norm, the people’s attention was acquired with a bold ad set up by Apple. The 1984 ad’s strategy was to differentiate themselves by combating conformity and asserting individuality. It was a definite plus for Apple to choose to air the commercial during the most watched television event in United States, The Super Bowl. Surely, the amount of people watching was at an all-time high thus making the visibility of the commercial reach its maximum. With a large number of people exposed to the memorable commercial, it is more likely to be remembered and talked about, thus making the Macintosh known and popular. Apple’s strategy of making the viewers of the Super Bowl, particularly a wide range of age, gender, ethnicity and social status as their target audience was a clever move since the more exposure, the better outcome. The commercial made a bold move in referencing George Orwell’s novel â€Å"Nineteen Eighty- Four† which could easily been misinterpreted and ended up scaring the audience with futuristic dystopian themes. Fortunately, the ad was considered as revolutionary, innovative and positively shocking which is a good thing because it made the idea of Apple stick into people’s minds. With Apple imaging itself as the ‘hero’/’saviour’ of the masses against forced conformity, the commercial was a clever way of saying that ‘If you buy a Mac, the awful dystopian future will not take place and instead individuality and self-empowerment will dominate.’ Ever since that commercial, the Mac has glowed with an aura of rebellion and empowerment. One major element on why the ad was so successful was, of course, the remarkable production values. Nobody had ever spent that much money to make a commercial look like a big-budget blockbuster movie. By bringing in the best people in the industry, the execution was astounding especially to the common individual. Steve Job’s vision of stressing the liberating power of the Apple Macintosh and paving the way for individuality was highlighted as the message of the commercial. The advertisement delivered the message of what Apple as a whole stood for and what distinguished it from the multitude of other computer brands in the market. Steve Jobs thought he knew what was special about Apple: they were the underdogs, who’d battled the corporate giants and brought computing power to the masses. The 1984 ad glorified the Information Age into a good vs. evil battle between technologies. They considered the rival PC in the market as bad technology – centralized, authoritarian – which crushes the human freedom and controls peoples’ minds. But we can be liberated from that bad technology by the good technology – independent, individualized – of the Apple Mac. In that instant when â€Å"1984† premiered, it positioned the Apple brand as creative, different and human while re-positioning its competition as staid, status quo and robotic. The commercial ultimately explained Apple’s philosophy and purpose; that people, not just government and big corporations, should run technology. If computers aren’t to take over our lives, they have to be accessible.

Monday, July 29, 2019

W1D Tacoma Narrows Bridge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W1D Tacoma Narrows Bridge - Essay Example As emphasized, if a different kind of design was used, specifically that of â€Å"Clark Eldridges original design for the 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge† (Washington State Department of Transportation: What if†¦?, 2005, par. 2), the bridge was perceived to have been able to stand the natural forces and wind speeds that it encountered. The fact was corroborated as a comprehensive evaluation of the cause of the failure finally attested that â€Å"aerodynamic forces never have been taken into consideration in the design of any bridge. Heretofore bridges have been designed to withstand static stresses only† (American Association of Physics Teachers, 2000, p. 14). Thus, the project’s failure was identified to have been sourced in the planning and design stage where information was noted to be crucial and paramount prior to implementation of the structural phase. Washington State Department of Transportation. (2005). Lessons From the Failure of a Great Machine. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from wsdot.wa.gov:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Describe the political warfare between the federalist and their Essay

Describe the political warfare between the federalist and their opponents,the Jeffersonians ,during the 1790s, - Essay Example His objective was to rally national support for Hamiltons economic programs and creation of a strong national government. He formed acquaintances with like-minded supporters of independence or nationalists on realizing the need for vocal political support in the states. He used his network of treasury agents to bond friends of the government, especially bankers and merchants in the dozen major cities of the new nation. The Federalists Party became popular with businesspersons, mostly people from New England. Its distinguished representatives included Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, John Jay and author Noah Webster. The Jeffersonian Republicans on the other hand emerged within three years of the Constitution inauguration. Americans.net records that no longer able to agree to the various policies that President Washington advocated, Thomas Jefferson left the Cabinet in 1793. Together with James Madison and lesser figures in the infant federal government, they formed a coalition that took to the leadership of popular opposition to economic and financial programs of Alexander Hamilton. They feared the intense threat to the American experiment in popular self-governance by the broad interpretation of the Constitution advanced on their behalf, the policies of the first secretary of the Treasury, and the anti-populist reactions that some of Hamiltons supporters expressed. The opposition deepened after 1793 when Britain and revolutionary France entered into twenty years of war. It extended into foreign policy and marshaled a large enough portion of the population such that historians describe Jeffersonian Republicans as the first American political party. By 1792, newspapers started referring to Hamilton supporters as Federalists while they referred to Jefferson’s supporters as Democrats, Republicans, Jeffersonians or Democratic-Republicans. They were generally farmers and opposed a strong central government. The state networks of both Federalist and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Triage protocol Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Triage protocol - Dissertation Example The protocol is defined in such a manner that its implementation depends on the definition of the treatment to be offered; this is because it contains both inclusion and exclusion criteria, which appropriately informs the triage nurses about the exact time to request X-Rays to avoid subjecting patients to excessive radiation. Constant review of the protocol will be conducted quarterly to ensure its appropriateness. 2. Outline the rationale for selecting the change The triage protocol suggested for implementation will help provide rapid health care services for patients in critical conditions within the emergency rooms in hospitals. Request of X-rays by triage nurses through the protocol reduces the waiting time by about 18 minutes, which leads to satisfaction of both the patients and the hospital staff (Crinson, 1999). This process entails the involvement of triage nurses, who must possess the ability to make quick decisions. In addition, triage nurses must have a high level of liste ning and communication skills and extensive knowledge of warning signs and symptoms. It is important to note that these field nurses must have vast experience in emergency medicine to be able to become triage nurses (Ward, 1999). According to the Department of Health (1997), triage is critically important since it is the foremost assessment in patient care. The surest way to save resources is to identify and separate the critically injured from the patients with less severe conditions. The new triage protocol is ready for implementation to ensure that patients’ safety is taken care of and that patients are identified accurately (Davies, 1994b). 3. Discuss the organisational impact you hope the change will have and the expected outcome(s) According to the Department of Health (1997), the new triage protocol has diverse impacts in terms of how hospitals operate. The protocol is expected to bring quality in health care provision through effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery. The program will also boost the employee welfare in terms of the learning and education of the nurses. Triage is, therefore, very important in hospitals, most so in emergency departments worldwide, as it helps prevent overcrowding. Therefore, it improves emergency care through prioritization during clinical emergencies. Despite resource consumption variations in patients, triage nurses are urged through ESI resource and through prediction thinking to solve the presented emergencies (Cutts, 1999). It is also in addition that resources in emergency departments consume general resources. For instance, a provider seeing a very old patient with an in dwelling urinary catheter and complaints of fever and cough will call for blood order and urine test with chest X-Ray. The triage nurse can, therefore, accurately predict the patients’ needs for two or more resources and thus be able to classify the patient as ESI level 3 through triage protocol. According to the Department of Health (2000), the outcomes of this change will be the ability for the future advancement of the same protocol; it will also ensure that there is ease in distinguishing between the responder and the

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Marketing Strategies of Fashion Brands Coursework

The Marketing Strategies of Fashion Brands - Coursework Example The essay " The Marketing Strategies of Fashion Brands" examines the brands' marketing strategies in the fashion industry. Acquiring ambassadors who represent the industry and share their experiences with the brand boosts the industry substantially. Different fashion industries apply different strategies to market their products. More often than not, these interlink and some contrast. Fro example a certain industry may use fashion blogs and another may use fashion showcase to market their products. There are two marketing strategies but they are very contrasting. For the fashion blog marketing strategy the industry ventures deeply online to research on their product line and look for reviews from their customers than it includes blog on the social networks. On the other hand, fashion showcase includes gathering of a small gathering for the industry to debut its fashion trend to the key people of the fashion who have the potential of high profile clientele. During the event, the custo mers have exposure to the displayed items throughout the room. In a different case, one company may use location-based strategy to market its product while another may use pricing strategies. In the location-based strategy, the company in question may involve mobile social marketing strategies where it has to hoist substations in the areas where most of its customers are situated. In the pricing marketing strategy, the company combines pricing and product quality to attract his potential customers. ... In the pricing marketing strategy, the company combines pricing and product quality to attract his potential customers. The industry gives its customers products at a reasonable price. The main aim for these is in order for the industry to establish a strong mutual relation with the local and international relation and to maintain creativity in its marketing strategies (Kumar, 2009:257). Bloggers are very essential in determining the public relations and enabling the entire public to contact the fashion industry for professional assistance. This is a very creative way for marketing of products through the internet. How the fashion market has changed The fashion industry has undergone tremendous changes in the recent past starting at the multiple ends of value chain that affect the various players of the industry. Likewise, the market for the fashion industry has also changed. Customers are increasing their demand therefore the fashion industry has to be very creative and innovative f or current styles at attractive prices and on frequent basis. This becomes a long-lasting challenge to the industry, therefore it has to find new ways to secure to secure growth and profits while satisfying the customers demands at the same time. The market change has been due to technological advancement. Technology advancement has enabled the fashion industries accomplish their tasks with greater efficiency. The fashion industry has designed software called Product Lifestyle Management (PLM), which has substantially increased the sophistication and incorporated wide assortment of techniques that are very beneficial to the company (Hartline & Ferrell, 2010:587). The PLM is not just a set of technologies but also a strategic business approach that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Biographical essay on General William O. Darby for a Arkansas History

Biographical on General William O. Darby for a Arkansas History class - Essay Example He gradually became cadet company commander and Darby, though later was known to be one of the greatest infantrymen that the country had ever seen, graduated from West Point in June 1933 as a second lieutenant with artillery as his choice of career. From west point he later was assigned for duty in the 82nd field artillery which belonged to the 1st cavalry division and was stationed in Fort Bliss, Texas. At the time that Darby joined the division, it was the only artillery unit remaining in the army which was on horse back. After serving some time there he was promoted to the rank of captain in October of 1940 and thereafter received amphibious training. Darby was soon assigned to be the aide-de-camp to Major General Russell P. Hartle who was the commander of the thirty-fourth infantry division2. Soon the bombing by the Japanese of Pearl Harbor in 1941 led to the deployment of the division to Northern Ireland in January of 1942 and Darby was also deployed. In Northern Ireland Darby was to meet General Lucian K. Truscott, who was put in charge of acquiring volunteers from the 34th infantry and the 1st armored division for the establishment of a new unit of elite commandos. These were to be acquired from the already thin contingency of troops who were in the United Kingdom at the time which was not much to work with. Furthermore, the new unit did not have any commanding officer and through one sly maneuver on the part of the chief of staff of the division at the time, Colonel Edmond Leavey3 Darby was given the opportunity to be the new commander of the Rangers. In no time Darby was the new commanding officer of his small number of soldiers who were then dubbed as Darby’s Rangers. William Darby was then promoted to the rank of a major and after the official setting up of the United States first army ranger battalion in 1942 he was made its commanding

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

French Wine Regions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

French Wine Regions - Essay Example In fact, almost every region of France can boast of commercial wine production, and only five regions on the north coast of the country are not engaged in wine production. Among the most famous regions of wine growing in France are the following ones: Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, the Rhone Valley, the Loire Valley, Alsace etc. The Bordeaux region of Aquitaine is among the most famous regions of wine production not only in France but in the entire world as well. The center of the region is the Atlantic port city of Bordeaux. This region is regarded as the heart of red wine production in the country: more than 60 appellations are grown on its territory. Basically, such grapes as Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon are used in the production of red wine. In addition to this, white wine, both dry and sweet, is also produced in the region (Marnie Old and Old Wines LLC, 2005). In Bordeaux, there are two sub-regions of red wine production; they are referred to as â€Å"Right Bank† and â€Å"Left Bank†. The right bank has soil that perfectly suits the early-ripening Merlot grape because of the high content of clay in it. The left bank’s soil rich in gravel is more suitable for Cabernet Sauvignon. One of the main rules of wine production in the region of Bordeaux is varieties blendi ng. Originally, varieties were blended to avoid bad harvests. Today, winemakers also balance flavors of different grapes in one appellation (Marnie Old and Old Wines LLC, 2005). The Burgundy region is situated in the eastern part of France. This region is famous for its both red and white wines. The major grape varieties grown on the territory of Burgundy are Chardonnay (for white Burgundy wines), Pinot Noir (for red Burgundy wines), and Gamay (for Beaujolais). Unlike Bordeaux, Burgundy wines are not the product of varieties blending.

Google Organizational Structure and Culture Essay

Google Organizational Structure and Culture - Essay Example The organizational design of Google is flatter with wide span of control, which signifies there are a few managers to whom all the subordinates report. Wide span of control is efficient because it is perceived to be both time and cost effective, as it involves a decentralized flow of information and requires comparatively few managers. They are associated with decentralization, which signifies that the decision-making authority is bestowed upon not only the top management but also it is provided to other members of the organization. As a result the supervisory power is somewhat minimal in the organization. The organization has 20,000 employees and has four hierarchical levels. CEO is in the top level; followed by CEO, there is Vice President of the company to whom every member of the individual departments of the organization reports. These departments include engineering, product, sales, human resource, and finance, legal and business strategy. The engineering heads maintain the dev elopment of all the products; product managers are involved in maintenance of products and handling the marketing staffs; sales department handles the entire sales of different region which is ultimately looked after by the regional head of the sales department. Human Resource department maintains all the manpower related records in the organization. The finance section involves in handling the financial works and maintaining the financial records of the company. Legal department is also involved in different legal procedures of the company and business strategy department takes the various strategies which may be required by the company in due course of time. The lower level workers of the organization are allotted in teams on the basis of the assigned works or assignments. In certain cases, teams are arranged from each and every functional areas based on the markets and products. The organizational culture is flexible and organic and is not much formal. The communication and inter action among the employees is carried out regularly on various issues and good interrelationship is prevalent among them (Griffin & Ebert, 2005). With reference to the above description of the organizational structure adhered in Google, a flow chart is presented below: 1.2. Google’s Organization Chart Figure 1: Organizational Chart of Google 1.3. Is The Organization Design Shown In Your Chart Appropriate For Google? Why or Why Not? The organizational design which is mentioned in the chart is suitable for Google as organizational hierarchy is clearly designed keeping in mind the flat structure of Google. There are various departments in the organization. All the departments of the organization are highlighted by a hierarchical design. Each departmental manager handles and maintains every functions of that department. In this chart, flat hierarchical structure is designed with CEO in the first level and under him the Vice President, who analyses all the departments such as engi neering, production, sales, human resource, finance, and legal and business strategy of the organization. But these departments have top managers to handle the subordinates (Griffin & Moorhead, 2009). Therefore, it can be established that the organizational structure is appropriate for Google. 2. What Type Of Global Organization Structure Is Google Using? In Your

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

There is a real danger of a house price bubble in London. Discuss Essay - 7

There is a real danger of a house price bubble in London. Discuss - Essay Example ntly the property prices in London have gone up way too high; too high for investors to believe that there is a very high danger of a housing price bubble within London. This essay seeks to present a case for the high level of risk associated with housing prices in London, and it does so by backing up the case with substantial evidence. The property bubble in London is real, and investors need to exercise caution if they want to come out safe from this scenario. Looking at media reports makes one thing very clear – the property prices in London have touched their four year low by the end of 2014. This can be linked to the very basic principle of demand and supply like mentioned above. According to a survey of property agents and surveyors dealing in London based property, there a wide consensus amongst market makers that property value in London is likely to follow its downward trajectory as demand for housing falls has gone down, coupled with new projects being announced by builders, thus resulting in a very low volume of transactions (Edwards, 2014). The high probability of a housing price bubble in London also emanates from the fact that many property holders in London have all of a sudden found their property values going up multi folds. This has made them put their property out in the market for sale and realize profits, as they move to live in county areas. Also, there is a wide believe amongst these investors that the current prices in London are far too high, and the market can crash anytime and therefore it is best to realize profits rather than being a part of the loss themselves as the market witnesses a correction (Bracke, 2014). Besides the information mentioned above, a few other facts also prove the existence of a property bubble in London. The house price to earnings ratio computed by the famous mortgage lender, Halifax, shows how many times or what multiple of house prices are made up income of buyers. It is rather shocking to note that the

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Victorian Upward Mobility as Viewed by Three Novels Essay Example for Free

The Victorian Upward Mobility as Viewed by Three Novels Essay Victorian refers to the things and events that had developed during the period where Queen Victoria was the ruler of the British Empire. This era had been the prelude of   modern Europe. This is the time were people began to feel the need for urbanization. The people tend to move to the cities. They leaved their farms and took on the city life and its opportunities for a better living. Some had flocked to London and Manchester which had caused those cities to be densely populated. There had been a growing number of industries and many factories had been instituted in the London and other big cities in Britain. The poor people of the cities were displaced because their previous places had now been occupied by big industrial plants. The decreasing number of farm lands in Britain had caused the empire to depend heavily on the raw materials of the colony. The British Empire had further their grip in the colony causing large amount of conflicts with other imperialist like the French and the Spaniards. Some people had migrated to the colonies to explore and establish an improved living in wide farms; and also to supply the burgeoning need of the empire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the Victorian era signifies a period of economic prosperity and industrial successes. There had also been a quick changes and developments in almost every field of knowledge. This is the time where Darwin, Marx and Freud had appeared. They had presented modern ideologies that seem to be altering and deviating with the old view of things. This occurrence had caused some historians to describe the Victorian era as a transition period towards modernity. This claim was proven by many factors. First, the power of the churches and other religious groups weakened. The people no longer derived their morality from the church; the people seemed to derive their morality from society-based standards. The people began to feel the connection between themselves and the society that they sought alliances with socio-civic groups. The period was also characterized as the golden age for democracy in Britain where people had felt the power of their voices and the freedom to express their sentiments to the state and to its policies. The abolition of slavery was the first indication of this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, many scholars had preferred to describe the Victorian era as old fashioned and traditional. This may brought a lot of confusion because Victorian era is described as the prelude to modernity where harsh and radical changes had occurred. However, this is true to the early period of the era that many scholars had accounted that it was a period of harsh transition. The technology may have improved but the society seemed to be stagnant , and radical changes were not accepted at first. However, the development of the era had been accounted by many scholars as a struggle for both the society and the people. The people appeared to accept the technological development but were stiff on accepting the sociological and the political development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the capitalist view of life was never removed and capitalism was still the key player in terms of economic policies. However, even though capitalism had demolished the feudal lords and feudalism yet the bourgeoisies remained. Social stratifications were still common and many, during the Victorian era, had motives to further increasing their wealth and their status. This is the basis of why many scholars had argued that the Victorian era is old fashioned and traditional.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the status of men was still higher than women. There were certain rights that where only entitled to the male and were prohibited to the women, example of this is the right to suffrage and the right to college education. However, one of the most significant revolutions that had occurred in the Victorian era is the high degree of activism which had caused the major changes to the society and to the Victorian period itself. Many of these activisms were women-driven and their tool was the pen and the paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though the early British society did not much recognized the work of women, many women still had ventured into writing.   They had adopted male names to disguise themselves and in order that their work be sold and be read by the people seriously .This was the beginning of feminism. Few of these writers were Mary Ann Evans, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Jane Austen. Moreover, many of these works had fairly described the people and the setting of the Victorian period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Mary Ann (Marian) Evans, more commonly known as George Eliot, had ventured into writing, after her marriage with a critic George Henry Lewes. She had become fond of realism and started her way on becoming a writer. This realism was very evident on her first novel, Adam Bede which appeared in 1859. She continued to write that the daughter of Queen Victoria – Princess Louise became an avid fan and admirer of her novels. However, one of the most controversial novels of George Eliot was the Felix Holt, the Radical which appeared in 1866. It was deemed as a social novel because it discussed the effect of the First Reform Act of 1832 to the electoral and electioneering processes. However, the novel did not only focus on the act, however it also discussed the struggles of the different classes of society to maintain or to better his economic stature.   This is commonly referred to as upward mobility and economic advancement. In Felix Holt, the Radical, Harold Transome was being compared and contrasted to Felix Holt. Felix Holt, even though a radical, wanted to live a life in modesty and poverty rather than a life of comfort. However, Harold Transome was a man who wanted material success and security. He wanted that the wealth and estate he had so long worked hard for will not be lose to obnoxious undertakings;   but he wanted to secure it and further increased it. Transome was a clear manifestation of a Victorian gentleman who wanted upward mobility. He decided to run to the elections to the parliament to get hold of a position that will secure his wealth and his estate. However, the electioneering of him and the other radicals was deeply criticized by Holt. The giving of beer to miners in exchanged of their votes was done by the Radicals; however Transome still had lose the election to Philip Debarry . Meanwhile, Felix was involved in pacifying a riot on Election Day and he had been jailed for an allege manslaughter. However, after the election, Debarry and Transome reconciled and had removed him from jail.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, on of the most common among female writers was a woman protagonist. In Felix Holt, the Radical, Esther, Reverend Lyons step daughter, was described to be a modest teacher with refined manners. At the opening of the novel, she antagonized Felix Holt and Felix appeared to despise her. However, as the novel progressed, Esther had seen the goodness of Felix Holt and she softened on him. This was the common characteristics of women in the Victorian period. They were passive and they prized themselves a lot. They were often ambitious and they often desire to marry men with higher social status than them. However, Eliot had been creative and was very effective in the concluding part of the novel. Even though Esther had discovered that she was the real heir to the Transome estate and she had a valid claim to the estate, and even though Harold Transome had been courting her and a life with him was a lot more comfortable than with Felix Holt yet she refused it all. She still chose Felix Holt to be her husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the novel had shown the different struggles that Esther had combated. Before Esther had chose Felix, the narrative immensely described the torments and the anguish that she had been feeling. It is vividly described that Esther like most common Victorian women had the tendency of favoring wealth and prosperity rather than real love. However, she chose to be happy. In this manner, George Eliot had shown the resistance of both Felix and Esther to the Victorian upward mobility.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Likewise, Charlotte Bronte was also an immense female writer during the Victorian period and she had written many successful novels that had been cherished by many generations. However, charlotte like Mary Ann Evans had also disguised her name in publishing her first novel, Jane Eyre in 1847 in the name of Currer Bell. However, Jane Eyre was a realist view of the nineteenth century Britain. It enormously portrayed the role that woman played in the Victorian period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jane Eyre was a proof to the claim of many scholars that the early Victorian period was still traditional and old fashioned. In Jane Eyre, the protagonist had described on how female education remained the constant and unchanging. It also described the fact that male superiority was still evident during that time and few privileges were given to women. The story started with a Cinderella-type plot wherein Jane was being maltreated by her evil cousins; however she managed to get away from them when she entered a boarding school for women which was also very common during that time. She had excelled in her subjects and she had become a teacher for two years in the school. Then, afterwards she became a governess and a tutor for a little girl named Adele. She had felled in love with the father of the girl who is Edward Rochester. Jane fell in love with Rochester not because of money but because of his intellect. The character of Jane was often compared and contrasted to the character of Miss Ingram. Miss Ingram was the rival of Jane with the love of Rochester. Miss Ingram was described in the novel as beautiful and had a high social stratum. Yet both Jane and Edward knew the financial ambitions of Miss Ingram. So Edward proposed to Jane and she accepted. However, at the marriage ceremony, Mr. Briggs interrupted. Edward and Jane could not marry each other because Edward was married to Bertha Mason. Bertha Mason was the psychotic who was incarcerated by Edward in the attic and whose noise disturbed Jane when she was a tutor to Adele.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, Edward had married Bertha because of the same reason as Miss Ingram would like to marry him –money. This was the turning point of the novel and it this innately described the upward mobility that both would like to experienced. However, like Eliot, Bronte had positioned the protagonist to resist the urge of an upward mobility. In the ending, it was very evident that true love still prevailed. Even though Jane had been an heiress, she tried to seek Edward and had been reunited with him and had married each other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, Charles Dickens, a male writer had also contributed to the description of upward mobility in the Victorian period. In his novel, Great Expectations, in 1861 described a story filled with great expectations and surprises. Pip, the protagonist, was a person of humble beginnings who rose through the odds to better his social status. At a young age, he had accompanied Miss Havisham, a spinster, and was scorned by her adopted daughter, Estella. Due to the love that Pip felt for Estella, he had promised himself that he will become prosperous and rich to win her love. With the help of a mysterious benefactor, Pip had better his stature and had gained economic prosperity and upward mobility. However, when he came back for Estella, Estella had married Drummle. However, he soon discovered the identity of his benefactor and it was Magwitch, the convict he helped to escape when he was just young. He also had discovered that Magwitch was the real father of Estella. However, the convict, even helped by Pip, did not escape the authority. Yet in the end, Pip had resolved to part from his material accomplishments. He sought Estella and found happiness with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the three novels had described vividly the setting of the Victorian period. Men and women during those times were status conscious and most wanted to marry in order to better his social position. However, in the three novels, the authors had clearly resisted the conventions of the upward mobility of the Victorian period. They had inclined their protagonist in pursuing happiness rather than material accomplishment. Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Courage Books, 1989. Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. New York:   BarnesNoble, 2000. Eliot, George. Felix Holt, the Radical. New York: Penguins, 1970.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang | Analysis

Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang | Analysis When I first heard the title of this film, I wonder why the title is Tinimbang ka Ngunit Kulang. I knew that the title is based from a bible verse Daniel 5:27 saying Tekel, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. I researched about it and discovered that it is also a modern take on the Jose Rizal novel which is Noli Me Tangere that talks about social injustices. From the point of view of Ibarra, Junior takes the life of it in this film and Kuala is the equivalent of Sisa in the novel. Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang is a tragedy film. It is a story of a misplaced love and corrupted individuals who destroys peoples heart. It centers on a relationship of a homeless woman and a leper, Kuala and Berto living in a society that dont accept them. Kuala and Berto became friends with Junior, a teenager who first seemed different from them but then develops a great bond with them. His first attempts to give them social acceptance are blocked by his town folks and his parents. A film directed by Lino Brocka also written by him with Mario OHara in 1974 starring Lolita Rodriguez as Kuala, Christopher de Leon as Junior, Mario OHara as Berto, Eddie Garcia as Cesar, Lilia Dizon as Carolina and Hilda Koronel as Evangeline. Originally released by Cinemanila. The movie begins in chaos. A flashback of Kualas past, a traditional/folk medicine practitioner performs an abortion accompanied by Cesar. After the abortion, Kuala is subsequently left by the father of the unwanted child. After what happened, she wanders around the town every day in dirty clothes and with mangy hair and only known by the townspeople as Kuala. A woman that is tormented by the people and the one that people asks to perform all sorts of indignities for the entertainment of others. Cesar, a lawyer and a failed politician who was supposed to be the father of Kualas child is married to Carolina and has a son, Junior. Junior is a teenage guy who always hangs out with his friends and has a girlfriend, Evangeline. Evangeline is the most beautiful girl in their school. Junior attends a wake with his family and he witnessed how people treat Kuala. Making her drink alcohol and make her urinate in front of them. After the burial, Bertong Ketong tries to help a kid but the mother rejects it. Berto is a leper who is also an outcast like Kuala who is also shunned by the people in the town. Berto has no companion who lives in the towns cemetery. One night, he goes to a club to pay a night with a woman but he was rejected. He seeks companionship with the one who will not reject him, Kuala. The next day he attracts Kuala with a rattle and takes her to his house. Berto ends up caring for Kuala, manages her hair, cleaning her up, providing her food and shelter in his house. Meanwhile, Evangeline is named as a queen of their towns procession with a young actor as her escort. Junior feels bother though he is convinced that he loves her, Evangeline seems to be not taking their relationship seriously. She is flirting with her escort and ignoring Junior in the parade. Junior goes to the place of Milagros and buys some drinks. He seeks company with her and later on seduces him. Junior observes that some things arent right so he started associating with Berto. He apologizes for some of the bad things he endured from them and started to befriend him. Junior felt a lot sympathy of a father with Berto than in his father. During some talks with Berto, he starts to figure out some pieces of truth behind a mans relationship to Kuala thinking that it is possible that it is his father. Evangeline gets married to Juniors friend after being caught having an intercourse in a car. But it seems that Evangeline lost the best man in her life as her husband is a Kiss and Tell type of guy. One day, while Kuala is wandering in the town, the people notice that shes pregnant. The gossip spreads easily. The womens Christian association decide to take away Kuala from Berto because she is being taken advantage of knowing that she is out of her mind. Junior tries to ask help from his father to bring the couple back together but his father disagrees. She is forced to live under the custody of Lola Jacoba (Rosa Aguirre). One night, Kuala escapes and goes to Bertos house. Berto brought her back because he knows that she will be taken away again from him but he promises to retrieve her after giving birth to their child. After some nights, Kuala feels some labor pains so she finds her way to Bertos house. Berto wakes up and rushes to the doctor who can help them. He goes to the house a doctor, Evangelines father. The doctor refuses so Berto starts to use force, takes him and makes him a hostage but he keeps on saying he will not kill him. Kuala just needs help. The doctors wife shouts for help and awakens the townspeople. They all follow where they go and before they reach the house in the cemetery, one of the policemen shoots Berto. Junior witnesses what happened. All of them are shock. He goes to Berto and found out he is dead where he starts crying in front of the townspeople. The film won six FAMAS Awards out of eight nominations: Best Picture, Best Actor (Christopher De Leon), Best Actress (Lolita Rodriguez),Best Director (Lino Brocka), Best Musical Score (Lutgardo Labad), and Best Theme Song (Emmanuel Lacaba for Awit ni Koala.) It was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor (Mario OHara) and Best Supporting Actress (Laurice Guillen) The story is good. All the ideas presented in the movie were all great. It has good twists and it is made to convey a message. Its also another way to awaken people about what is happening in the society. It is the reflection of what is happening. When it comes to cinematography, it works just fine as I consider the year it was made. I was only bothered about the musical scoring when Berto sees Kuala lying somewhere focusing her legs. The scoring does not suit the situation. It doesnt help to manifest ones emotion. We all know that sounds are another factor that surprise, scare and excite people about the scenes. While I am watching the film, I read the subtitle at the same time. I wonder if how we see the movie as great would be as great as viewers from other countries can see it because there are dialogues said that are different from what is written in the subtitle. There are some parts where some of what the actors say are different from what the subtitles are implying. When it comes to the actors, I find them real great. Eddie Gutierrez did great in this film as well as Christopher de Leon. Eddie Gutierrez opposing scenes are very effective for me. It made me feel like he is really the devil in the story. Christopher De Leons soft voice helps the way he is in the story. I think he is really a good actor for the role. Evangeline is also good. She portrays to be a good girl and turned out to be a foolish one. I was irritated by the way she takes Junior for granted and the way she flirts with another guy, but it is a good thing. Lolita Rodriguez on the other hand is very very good. We all know that being a main actor on a film and at the same time portraying a role of an insane is a very challenging matter. You have to deliver everything up to the end with only few words to say. It might be the hardest role in this film because she has to make people believe not with the words shes going to say, but for the actions shes going to show. Its very convinc ing, she is very convincing. I also see the consistency of her great performance in this film. She has this legendary performance as the town lunatic who is Kuala. Mario Ohara is very effective as I pity him for his status. When I was watching the film, it made me feel like I am on his part. I hate the way people treat him and I pity the way he was treated by the people. The lines he delivered in the story come out very natural. Thats why when he was shot by one of the policemen, it made me ask the question whats wrong with the society? and made me feel like Hey it is happening all the time. That made me cry. I only find vagueness in the character of Milagros. After having an intercourse with Junior, she was out of the picture. For me, it wasnt given a closure. There may be the reason; maybe because she also has to go to Manila but the answers about where she is is vague. a huge production with a pretty large cast, and no one drops the ball. I really love the story of Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang not only because it is dramatic but because it made me realize what kind of people we have in our surroundings, what kind of government we had before and asking myself if Am I one of the alienated in the society or.. Am I one of the oppressors? As I watch the film, I found out that there are people who are alienated in a certain environment and there are oppressors. There are people who are outcasts and there are people who enjoys being superior to another. We know that people enjoys being superior because some people let themselves be inferior. The government we had in this movie is with Marcos Regime. It happens during the martial law as some of the actors says that there are curfews. I can see oppression in the film as Junior has this good status in life but found his dark side. He is indeed a lost boy. He is a son of two wealthy parents but his father is nothing but a womanizer and his mother is a nagger. They have this Christian women association but are sort of villains too in the film. Yes. They said they are after God but how can they make rumours about people, judge them and let Berto be an outcast of their own place? They are leading the entire place to make a better society but was not actually what is supposed to be. It made me realize a lot of things, we have seen marginalization that Philippines had and the hypocrisy of the people around us. Some of them are even into a religion. Because of the inhuman judgments, the film disturbs and touches me. Its a breathtaking movie, all in all. It made me even ask myself about my stand in the society. What the film implies is also what is present today. There are social injustices, and no matter how good we serve others, our thoughts and action will always be twisted by others. Whats sad in the film is not the corruption of a government or anything but thse corruption of men. After all the wrong things we made, it hurts to helplessly contemplate as we see innocence being shattered. The ending of the film says a lot of things. Junior is the only one who embrace the lives of two social outcasts whose attitude overpowers their physical and mental shortcomings and Kualas nightmare of the abortion turned out to be a new hope as Junior walked outside the house of Berto with the newborn baby facing all the guilty townspeople. Its a very good movie. Lino Brocka didnt fail to shed a light on our countrys social ills in this film.

Importance of Training and Evaluation in Organisations

Importance of Training and Evaluation in Organisations INTRODUCTION: In the past several years human resource management become quite popular. Human Resource management is a very important internal part of an organisation. It has many functions like recruitment and selection, human resource development, reward and performance and management development. Skilled and developed employees are main strength of organisations success. Companies are willing to recruit skilled and talented people. But it is a short sighted approach for long term success. As mentioned above, in recent years of companies and organisations have realised importance of training and development. They are focusing on continuous improvement and learning through training and development in organisation. But for that employees are need to choose wisely. This part is related to recruitment and selection process. So HR manager need to choose people with the potential to learn more. Many organisations encourage employees to participate in training and development programme to learn the sys tematic knowledge in depth. Now it is realized that if there are more opportunities of development for employees, so that they stay committed longer to the organisation. Such motivated, experienced and trained staffs bring better organisation performance. Thats how organisation can produce best product or services that bring more customer satisfaction and more sales which ends in more profit. It also supports employee in participating training and development programme and thus, it increases job engagement of the employee to the organisation. Organisations definitely will gain more productivity from skilled and trained employees rather than non trained employees. Trained and engaged employees are motivated employees. Skilled and motivated employees are high performing employees. That is how employer and employee both can get benefit from training and development programme. (Beardwell Claydon, 2007) 2. STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT: This project focuses on human resource development. Main objective of this project is to explain the importance of training evaluation in an organisation. Training evaluation is the one of the crucial part of training process. But first we need to know, why training evaluation needed? From the beginning it is a key topic for most of the trainers. When, training and development do not give the required results than it can be very much harmful for the organisation. It can de-motivate the learners and can seriously damage their reputation. That is why training evaluation has been introduced. So that by evaluating training, trainers can get expected results. It also helps to make any appropriate changes where it is required. It gives the confidence to the trainer by providing result of that they are doing a good job. (Thorne K. Mackey D. 2007) HRM features create more importance when it is attached to strategic integration. It is more concerned to link the HRM issues into strategic planes. Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD) is for giving the clear vision about employees abilities and potential to operate within the strategic framework of the business. New learning and development strategies are created under SHRD to achieve business goals. Training evaluation is needed to ensure that, is SHRD attaining the business goals or not? The main objective of SHRD is to enhance resources with the belief that firms employees are a major source of competitive advantage. It is more focused on intellectual capital, ensuring that are there right quality of employees available to meet the present and future needs. By creating a learning environment in which employees are encouraged to learn and develop to match the employability of outside and inside of organisation, should be one of its concerns. Michael Armstrong (2009) has hi ghlighted the philosophy of SHRD. HRD makes a major contribution to successfully achieve firms goals, investment in the benefits to the stakeholders of the organisation. HRM planes and programmes should be interact with and support to achieve the goals of business and HRM. Everybody in the organisation should be encouraged and given opportunity to learn and develop their skills and knowledge. In SHRD there should be a focus on self managed learning and support by coaching, training and monitoring. As we have seen learning, training, development and education are the elements of HRD. Learning should be distinguished from training. Therefore, organisations need to monitor their training programmes. (Armstrong M. 2009) From Baron J. Kreps D. (2005), now firms do not show training as a cost for the employee but as an investment. They said that, it is important to measure the training. By giving some examples, they argued about how it is difficult to measure of performance improvement. Therefore, evaluation is more likely to be considered as a capital investment of training. Trainer and trainee both should undergo from evaluation process. The result of this process will give better understanding about performance improvement. Making changes where necessary in training will provide great help in the integration with business strategies. According to Armstrong (1999) training evaluation is important to evaluate training in order to assess its effectiveness. It is important to know what ever training is provided to the employees; does it really help them in their work? Because, lot of time, effort and money spend to train employees. That is why Hamblin said any attempt to obtain information (feedback) on the effects of a training programme and to assess the value of the training in the light of that information. It is an integral feature of training. It gives the answer to the question of how far the training has achieved its purpose. Training evaluation makes sure that, the given training was investment rather than expense. RESEARCH MATHODOLOGY: All the data is gathered by secondary sources. Most of the data is collected from books. Some of the journals have been referred for adequate knowledge of the research report. Electronic source is the main source of gathering the relevant data. Both qualitative and quantitative data been gathered for the proposed research report. A case study has taken is supporting Kirkpatricks model. It provides the brief detail of how to make evaluation in training. (Bhattacharya, 2006) KIRKPATRICS TRAINING EVALUATION THEORY: To understand training evaluation, Kirkpatrick has introduced four level of training evaluation. Donald Kirkpatrick was president of the American Society of Training and Development in 1975. Reaction: Reaction evaluation is how the trainee felt, and their personal reaction to the training or learning experience. It is a feedback forms on training experience. Verbal reaction can also be noted and analysed. It can be done by post training surveys and questionnaires. Feedback form, which can be filled or verbally given to the manager. It contains personal feeling type questions, like did the trainees like and enjoys training? Did they consider the training relevant? Was it a good use of their time? Did they like the timing and the place of training? It is easy to do. It can be done immediately after completion of training. Easy to obtain reaction feedback. Easy to analyse. Not much expensive to gather all the data and for analyse. It become very helpful to know the primary questions like trainees were not unhappy or disappointed with training. Analyser has to assume that all the feedbacks are genuine. If it is than most of the feedbacks may be similar. Learning: Learning evaluation is the measurement knowledge from before and after learning experience. It can be done by doing assessment tests before and after training. Interview and observation can also be used instead of assessment test. Assessment test need to be closely related to the aims of learning. Measuring the test can be easy in g group rather than individual. Hard-copy, electronic, online or interview style assessment are types of gathering learning evaluation data. From the data, it is easy to figure out, did the trainee learn what every he intended to taught? Did the trainee experience what intended to experience in training? It is more time consuming and costly in compare to reaction evaluation. It only shows that how much knowledge h As trainee has. It doesnt shows that how much learning applied at the workplace. Behaviour: Behaviour evaluation in which trainees applied the learning and change their behaviour. This can take some time to change their behaviour it might take several weeks or months after the training. The main objective of behaviour evaluation is to find did trainees put their learning into effect? Are they using the relevant skill which has been taught? Is there any change in their activities while working? How is their performance? Is the trainee aware of the changing behaviour? Is the trainee trying to transfer their learning in others or not? As behaviour evaluation is an important evaluation process amongst the other processes. Observation need to done at certain level of training. Assessment test is not suitable in this because each trainee will take his own time to put his learning into effect. Assessment can be done only by suitable analysis tools. Judgement, observation or interviews are the best possible way to measure the impact of training. A flexible way, like 360 degree feedback is useful method for measuring the effect. It is less easy to measure the change in compare to learning behaviour. Cooperation and skills of observers are most important in this evaluations process. Analysers need to be very much accurate and experience in judging trainees behaviour. Behaviour evaluation should take place in some time duration during the training. So it depends on evaluators vision to see behaviour pattern, which can be varies amongst different evaluator. The support of line managers and trainers are essential in this evaluation process. Involving them from the beginning of the training would definitely beneficial for further assessments. Results: Result evaluation is the measurement of effect on the business or environment after the training. The main objective in this evaluation process is to find results or performance indicators like; sales, volumes, quality, timescale return on investment, performance, turnover, failure, wastage, achievements, accreditations, growth, retention etc,. Many of these measures can be done by other management systems and reporting. It can be found by how trainees inputs are affecting the performance after training. Commonly trainees are informed about the expected level of performance which needs to be achieved by the end of training. It requires simple links with the training inputs. Failure with this can reduce the chances of getting accurate results at the end. Result evaluation is particularly not difficult. It can be done by using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Targets can be set down with the use of this evaluation process. While doing the result evaluation, analyser needs to consider the external factors of environment which are affecting the performance of organisation. This can be good or bad. So the analysers have to be realistic towards the situation. (Kirkpatrick 2007) I think Kirkpatricks model gives foundation level knowledge to evaluators. There is a need to extend these levels. The four levels are over simplified. They do not consider the dynamic changes in the environment and in the organisation. By not considering the training environment, trainer will give a false training evaluation. Although the trainee is well trained, still he is not efficient as others. To find out such problem training programme need to consider the cultural and ethical factors. It is also missing the determination of usefulness and availability of organisational resources. Yes it is true that this model is very much useful during the training session. Minor problems with the trainees can be rectified and necessary steps can take to improve training programme. Thereafter it is not much useful. For more accurate result of training evaluation Philip has introduced ROI theory of training evaluation. It is also considered as a fifth level of Kirkpatricks model. Kaufmans five levels of evaluation: Roger Kaufman has introduced five level of evaluation by using the Kirkpatricks four levels. His evaluation model level includes addressing the viability of various resources and inputs necessary for successful interventions by adding social and client responsiveness with the consequences of payoffs. According to him, evaluation needs to consider both within and outside of organisation. His view of evaluation is broader than Kirkpatrick. He said that training is the only performance improvement so evaluator needs to see the contribution to performance inside as well as outside of the organisation. He showed the fifth level which is mega level. It is societal contribution, which is missing from Kirkpatricks framework. The mega level aims on societal usefulness like health, continuous profit, pollution level, safety. It concerns more for the future. Like what will be effect of it in the future market. Other levels are shown in the following table: The mentioned table shows the suggested levels of Kaufmans theory. He is making critics on the first level, that Kirkpatrick is not involving resource availability. Level two is considered as an assessment type. It focuses on training implementation. Level three is performance based. Identify the changes due to training. Fourth level is common in both. It includes performance improvement, cost benefits such as timely and quality output. If I put it in a simple way, Kaufmans five levels are interlinked with business strategy. It is a useful model for Strategic Human Resource Development. By considering all the environmental factors evaluator can give more accurate result. The quality of result is richer that simple evaluation result. (Kaufman R, Keller J Watkins R. 1996) CIRO METHOD OF TRAINING EVALUATION: War, Bird and Rackham introduced four level of approach called CIRO. Context: It checks back to the basics of training. It considers the environment within which training took place. Employer need to look the original methods for training and development. Employer need to check and analyse the information to identify specific needs. Input: This evaluation decides the best method of delivery. It takes into account of employees selection process, employee material and the level of involvement at workplace. By determining the accuracy of the input will increase the success of overall evaluation. Reaction: Reaction is not much different from Kirkpatricks behaviour evaluation. It evaluates the nature of employee and measure the reaction from learning. This can be useful to evaluate quality of employees. Outcome: It is the final evaluation to check the changes in employees at the workplace. It is easier to evaluate if results are numeric. Outcome is to check that how far training has transferred employees by measuring their performance. Warr, Bird and Rackham made a critic on Kirkpatricks four levels of evaluation. They said that this process may not always produce genuine, meaningful and long-term results. The parameters which Kirkpatrick looking to evaluate training are limited. It is not considering the firms overall ability to perform. CIRO model is requires more detailed analyses of an organisation. There are many factors that will affect training. So this evaluation model takes more time than Kirkpatricks model. (Thackwray B. 1997) ROI TRAINING EVALUATION THEORY: Jack Phillips has introduced ROI evaluation theory. It is also known as Jack Philips five level ROI model. As mentioned above training is considered as investment in people. ROI is the best match for this sentence. According to Philip, there are six trends which have increased the use of ROI. The increasing amount of training and development are pressuring for more accountability in business. Competitive strategies are linked with training and development, management are always eager to measure the contribution of training programme. Other programmes do not give as accurate result as ROI. Therefore many times programme sponsors have requested to for ROI justification. Including all the other functions, training and development is required for continues development and to hold the position in competition. Therefore many support efforts are taken for it. From the perspective of top executives in large number of organisation required ROI information. Trainers are now taking interest in justifying their contribution in training and development. So they increased their interest in ROI. ROI theory cannot be directly applied. For this there is a need of a classic model like Kirkpatricks model. Then the result should be taken for ROI such as turnover, quality improvement, productivity or cost reduction. To get the accurate ROI all programmes should be compared to cost implementation in order to value the investment. That is why ROI theory is called as a fifth stage of Kirkpatricks evaluation theory. On the other hand, this model requires final results. Only then evaluator can able to use this model. There isnt any more research need to be done if desired result can obtain, but if the results are wrong then evaluator need to go back to the basics. ROI is not a proper method to evaluate training. Because there are lot of qualitative aspects related to it. Use of ROI is just to check the returns on investment. This technique is more favourable to investors rather than evaluators. The ROI formula is the annual net programme benefits divided by programme costs. Where else the net benefits are the mandatory value of the benefit minus the cost of the programme. The ROI formula is as follows: (Philips 1996) CASE STUDY: A case study taken from journal of workplace learning. The aim of training is to give knowledge and leadership skills to the managers. The test was conduct on two groups of manager and supervisors of large municipal organisation. Both the groups are divided in 27 people. One group was undergoing from the training, while the other one is untrained. So the result will reflect the clear difference between both the groups. The data is evaluated by Kirkpatricks four levels of evaluation method. Candidates age, seniority, experience level and educational knowledge were almost identical. Reaction: Reaction was measured by a short questionnaire. 16 questions were given with from five scales from bad to excellent. The reaction training and the trainers were positive in general. The main result fallen under the other three levels. Suggestions were gathered to improve aspect of training facility. However, reaction is necessary, but not enough for a high quality evaluation. It is to measure that training is reaching the intended goals or not. Knowledge: It is to measure the aspects of effective leadership and management skills, measured by multiple choice questions. The results were remarkable. Candidates demonstrate a significant growth in knowledge. This will help managers to reach higher level of knowledge than untrained managers. The training apparently gets successful in this theoretical knowledge. Even somehow, this result was putting pressure to untrained managers to perform better. Behaviour: Managers behaviour is noticed after providing the adequate knowledge. Leadership behaviour had been discussed during the training. The present frequency compared with before training frequencies. The result was again showing positive indication. After training, a significant change been noticed. The behaviour toward leadership skills was higher in compare to untrained group of managers. The proposed result showed the increase in leadership behaviour is doubled that before from the gathered numbers. Result: Final result is showing the long term analyses of improved productivity, quality of product and processes, lower sickness and absence rate. The result is in two parts: self evaluation and evaluation by others. Both parts are showing positive result which is supporting the hypotheses, for long term effectiveness. But obvious it is often difficult to prove a causal link between training and long term effects. There are several factors like age, boredom from same kind of work, changing nature of human and other environmental factors effect it. This method cant be predicting the future, it just to measure the current performance. Further research gives the idea, for long term result a 360-degree evaluation should be more accurate than Kirkpatricks four level evaluation methods. Overall result showed the gap between trained managers and untrained managers. Step by step evaluation is giving the improvement in managers skills and knowledge. Training main objective was achieved. However, Kirkpatricks model is not giving accurate results. Further research need to done in this case. Individual evaluation between trained managers will give more accurate result than groups. For that, Philips ROI method, kaufmans five level and CIRO evaluation methods need to introduce. However, the candidates are almost identical as the case says. So, there wont be much difference in result. (Steensma H. 2010) As mentioned in the training proposal, training means investment in people to enable them to perform better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities. It is very much important to improve employees skill which results better quality product or a high level of customer services. (Armstrong, 1999). RATIONAL: I would like to describe one of my own experiences regarding training and training evaluation. A few months back when I was working with an AGIES BPO as a customer care executive. My job task is very much related to a salesman. At the time of joining the company. Trainers have provided brief training regarding my work. After few month of working there was not much improvement in my work. My sales figures were low and I was staying away from reaching my goals. Considering my efforts companys trainer suggested me to participate in the further training programme which was called as PIP (Performance Improvement Programme). In this programme trainers had provided through training regarding my work. They provide me basics for the working tasks and advance techniques also. As my work was technical work, I have to give assessment test on each end of the day. At end of very first of PIP, a verbal interview has taken place where, trainer took the interview. It does include some simple question s like how are you feeling about training? Did you understand the concept? Do you know your way getting out of the problem? Assessment test were taken after each session, it was regarding the technical issues. The evaluation of training is going as per Kirkpatricks four level of evaluation pattern. Behaviour pattern has been marked as well. The taught soft skill in sales helps me to respond well in communication and the technical training helped me in doing my work easy and quickly. After the end of my training, I have been called for the face to face interview for measuring my learning and how well I can able to put it into practice. After that I was feeling like confidence enough to work with my full productivity as well as I was teaching some of the technical skills to my juniors. This is how training changed my way of working. At the end of the month I have achieved my sales targets without any problem. The results were showing the significant changes of training programme. CONCLUSION: Although the above mentioned discussion showed that how training and training evaluation is helpful for organisations own benefits and employees can also improve their own performance. It builds a moral interest in staff development. Future train programme can be determined by training evaluation. Training evaluation can also rectify the mistakes done in training programme and can build a new programme. Most important for an organisation, training programmes make the business stands in market. Changing culture, technology and ethics influence an organisations work place. To understand its effect and to cope with the competition there is an urgent requirement of training, and to ensure the training is going in right path, it becomes a necessity to do training evaluation. Training evaluation take part in most of the organisation. The above mentioned training evaluation theories are the key to analyse training and its effectiveness. Better working environment with well train ed workers can lead the organisation to high level. This can be helpful to gain more market share and better reputation among competitors and customers. Therefore it is not wrong to say that training evaluation is a vital part for an organisation. But it is not always because of the training. There are some cases when training is not enough to improve productivity regardless the evaluation is showing the uprising performance. As seen above, strategic human resource development is essential in developing business strategies. SHRD enables learning cycle. It creates a chain of continuous improvement. Measuring the evaluation and apply changes with that, can formulate flexible development strategy. Sometimes, employees are not happy with management or not happy with the payment and reward system. If some employees are chosen for the wrong position to work than how will training affect his performance or behaviour of working? There might a mistake from selection and requirement section. If a person is not satisfied with his work than there is no way of getting trained him for the future. According to Druckman ET, al, (1997), it is found that training is not always worth. Training do not give satisfactory output in some cases, there is evident that training is not always successful. Application on learning on practical basis at job, amount of learning depends on conditions at workplace. As mentioned the above cases. One of the factors affecting training success is how much employees are interested in participating in training programs. Training is more effective in participation condition is not compulsory. Training programme should be voluntary. Other factor is co-operation from the managers. Supportive environment always influence result training and makes it more efficient in practise. REFERENCES: Armstrong M. (1999), Human Resource Management Practice, 7th edition, Kogan Page Limited. London. Armstrong M. (2009), Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action. 4th edition. Kogan Page. New Delhi. Baron J. Kreps D. (2005). Strategic Human Resources: Framework for General Managers. John Wiley Sons, Inc. USA. Beardwell J. Claydon T. (2007). Human Resource Management: a contemporary approach. 5th edition. Prentice Hall, England. Bhattacharya D.K. (2006), Research Methodology, 6th edition, Excel Books, New Delhi. Druckman D., Singer J.E. Van Cott H.P. (1997). Enhancing Organisational Performance. National Acedemy.USA. pp: 106-107. Kaufman R, Keller J Watkins R. (1996), What Work What Doesnt: Evaluation Beyond Kirkpatrick. Volume 35. Kirkpatrick D. (2007). The Four Levels of Evaluation. American Society for Training and Development. USA Philips J.J. (1996). Technical and skills training. [Online] available at: http://www.astd.org/NR/rdonlyres/D0BCF259-880D-4EEC-BF89-7F1B9A88F430/0/phillips.pdf. [Accessed: 27 April 2010] Steensma H. (2010), Evaluating the Training using the Four Level Model. Journal for Workplace Learning. Leiden University. [Online] available at: [Accessed 22 Aug 2010]. Thackwray B. (1997), Effective Evaluation of Training and Development in Higher Education. Kogan Page, London. Thorne K Mackey D (2007). Everything you ever needed to know about training. Kogan Page Ltd, USA.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Public School Curriculum Content :: Education Curriculum Teaching Essays Papers

Public School Curriculum Content In this era of progressive thinking and open mindedness, it was only a matter of time before society tried to change our school system for the better. The long-standing theories of Charles Darwin on evolution are finally being contested. Intelligent Design has emerged as the leading opposition to Darwin's blasphemy, but another equally valid theory has recently made some noise in the world of evolution. The Flying Spaghetti Monster's Intelligent Design, also known as FSMism, has recently built up quite a following. These two theories are pushing very hard to one day be in our high school curriculum. Are ID and FSMism both worthy of being taught in our schools or is one more scientifically valid? Intelligent Design, or ID, states that there are certain aspects in nature that show individual signs of intelligence that can not be accounted for, or that are too complex for our understanding. Therefore, an "Intelligent Designer" must have deliberately created everything in nature that shows this unaccountable sign of intelligence. Followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, also called Pastafarians, follow the same criteria as ID proponents. On top of those ideals, Brian D Rabern, a Pastafarian and a member of the Department of Philosophy at UC Santa Barbara, adds another perspective. "Everything that begins to exist has a cause of its existence. The universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause for existence. Since no scientific explanation can provide a causal account of the origin of the universe, the cause must be supernatural, i.e. a god. Therefore, a god exists. Gods create humans in their own image. The brains of humans resemble a bowl of spaghetti. Thus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one true god." This statement brings up the most blaring difference between ID and FSMism, the fact that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is defined and ID has no particular designer. The fact that ID has no specified designer has both positive and negative effects on the theory. On the one hand, having no higher power defined brings the separation of Church and State out of the equation. Conversely, since no higher power is mentioned, one would have to come to the conclusion that there is not just one higher power. ID states that an "Intelligent Designer" must have created anything that shows an unexplainable intelligence. This means that the "Intelligent Designer" would have to have unexplainable intelligence of his own which would lead to the conclusion that their must be another designer that designed him.